Dental Implants

Dental implants are a very reliable source for effective tooth replacement. Whether you have lost one tooth or many, implants can provide a permanent solution that looks and functions normally.

Dental Implants in Columbus, OH

Dental implants are essentially artificial teeth that permanently replace lost, damaged, or decaying natural teeth. Unlike removable dentures, fixed dental implants are permanently anchored to the jawbone, providing a lifetime of durability that restores up to 99% of the use and functionality of natural teeth. Most dental implants consist of three main parts: the implant post, the abutment, and the restoration. First, the implant post (commonly made of titanium) is surgically placed into the jawbone. Next, the abutment is attached to the post and will serve as an anchor to permanently attach the custom replacement tooth (known as the restoration). At our acclaimed practice in Columbus, OH, our implant specialists are well-versed in all forms of implant fabrication, surgery, and final placement.

All-on-4 Dental Implants in Columbus, OH

All-on-4 dental implants are an alternative to dentures or full-mouth dental implants. It requires only four implants per jaw, compared to traditional implants that require eight to ten implants per jaw. The all-on-4 technique reduces the need for bone grafting, and the implants act just like natural teeth, making this procedure quicker, easier, and more comfortable for patients.


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Which Option Is Best For You?

At Grandview Dental Care in Columbus, OH, we acknowledge that no two patients are the same. This is why each restoration is custom-made to the patient’s exact measurements and specifications. This requires an unprecedented level of skill and experience to produce a comfortable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing restoration. Our doctors are thoroughly trained in implant placement and work with you on a personal level to ensure that your restorations not only look beautiful but function flawlessly and provide decades of durable, reliable use.

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  • What types of dental implants exist?

    Two of the most commonly used dental implants are Endosteal implants and all-on-4 implants. Endosteal implants are the most common dental implant option. They are comprised of a titanium metal rod that is installed into the jawbone and a supporting post that is specifically designed to secure either a dental crown or a dental bridge. All-on-4 implants are a revolutionary dental implant system in which an entire top or bottom denture is supported on just four implants. Each implant is strategically placed so the replacement teeth remain steady and secure. The advantage of using four implants is that it helps promote faster patient recovery and reduces the likelihood of complications from possible implant failure.

  • What are the benefits of dental implants?

    When you lose a tooth, it can become difficult to chew and speak clearly. If tooth loss is left untreated, it could result in problems like tooth shifts, jawbone deterioration, facial structure and bite imbalances. These issues usually develop over time when there is no root system to maintain bone health and alignment.

  • How much do all-on-4 dental implants cost?

    The all-on-4 dental implants cost is affected by various factors, including:
    – The condition of your mouth (e.g., gum disease, lack of bone density)
    – The materials used for your implants
    – The specialist’s experience

More Questions?

If you have more questions about dental implants, give us a call and we'll be happy to discuss further.

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Grandview Dental Care

1220 Grandview Ave
Columbus, OH, 43212
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Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 8am - 6pm
Wednesday: 8am - 6pm
Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday: 8am - 2pm



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